Thursday, March 12, 2009

It feels really early...

cause we stayed up way too late last night.

I was playing this stupid game. Enough said.

We had Aria's bday party last night. It was very simple. We got her this really soft bear, and the look on her face as she opened it was beautiful. We are having a big party for her this weekend. Well, not really big, just a few friends. We are actually supposed to get some snow Friday so I have to change what we're having, cause I was planning to cook out. I think I will make a big batch of Megan's chili and we will make hot dogs and then tater tots and fries.

I got a lot of work done on the sp/bc website yesterday. It's really coming along quite nicely. Today I'm going to transfer all the pics I've taken onto the jump drives so I can work on it some this weekend.

Tomorrow Larry is doing a ride along with Trinidad Ambulance District. For his EMT-B class they have to do 24 hours of ride alongs, and have 10 patient contacts. He's very excited. It will be a 12 hour shift, and I know he'll come home wiped.

I'm still working on the quarterly menu. I did discover that we can't shop quarterly. When we went to Walmart on Monday, we spent about $500 between food and household items, and a few sale items at Safeway. The back end of the van was PACKED, including the back seats! But having a quarterly menu will still allow me to more efficiently shop for sales. We are planning on going to Pueblo on the 30th of March (I think), and will do quite a bit of shopping then.

I have been shopping on ebay since we got paid. The stuff should start coming in really soon. I got Saren and Aimee some pants, some clothes for me, some BDUs for Larry, some books, and a few other things we needed. I so love ebay, although I need to branch out. I know a lot of sellers have left due to the rule changes, which are actually quite ridiculous. But its a quick and easy solution when you need stuff in a hurry.

OK, going to work on the menu.

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