Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quick weight loss notes

Another inch and a half off my waist. Instead of being that firmly fat round looking belly that made me look pregnant all the time, it's becoming umm jello like I guess is what I want to say. It's jiggly. I can only attribute this to fat cells breaking down. Now I"m thinking about things like skin removal further on down the road LOL.

I'm absolutely thrilled with the state of my weight loss so far, except that I haven't gotten to do much actual exercise. Of course, we are all adjusting to new schedule with Larry finally working again, new chore lists and two of the kids being gone and doing other things. And that energy sapping heat that we normally get in July has started full force in June because we had such a dry spring. I try to get on in the mornings but just haven't made it a habit yet. Getting there, though.

I am slacking on portion control, so this is something I also need to work more on. I have been doing really well on not eating late, though.

As I've stated, this is not a diet, it's changing our lifestyle. We already cook mostly natural, home made foods, and we try not to put processed foods into our meal plans. This is done both for cost and health reasons. For example, even though we have carb heavy meals due to our budget issues, we don't have overweight children. This is due partly to lack of "junk" foods, serving of plenty of fruits and veggies (they may be canned, but it's better than junk), and also to not having a lot of inside play options. Instead of a playstation, TVs or computers in every room, my kids are out riding bikes and playing Star Wars outside.

But we, as all families do, still have some tweaking to do. We can always find something more to do for our health, and the changes we are making here are definitely a step in the right direction.

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